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    Detox Kitchen: Advanced LTV Cohort Analysis

    Plates of food

    What are Advanced LTV Insights

    A clear understanding of customer LTV is vital if you want to be acquiring customers at the optimal rate for your business KPI.

    Our LTV insight projects can go as macro or granular as you’d like. Common questions we answer are:

    • Am I better off discounting or not?
    • What product should I promote for customer acquisition in order to maximise revenue over X period of time?
    • What’s the optimal price point/strategy for my product(s)?
    • …and so on.

    Advanced LTV Insights allow you to:

    Get clarity on optimal promotional strategy.

    • Given your business objectives, dial back advertising investment if it transpires you are overspending and wasting budget being too aggressive on acquisition; or increase investment if you’re under acquiring customers and leaving money on the table.
    • Plan and track for profit, with custom insights into product groups/ offers/ subscription packages.
    • Proactively change your acquisition strategy on the fly if recent cohorts are not trending as expected.

    Detox Kitchen

    Prior to their acquisition, Detox Kitchen wanted to understand the time taken to achieve profitability against customer cohorts, and to understand how products with different price points affected life time value as it related to the cost to acquire the customers.

    We developed an in-depth custom LTV report which covered customer acquisition costs and relative LTVs for different customer cohorts, allowing Detox kitchen to evaluate what products to focus on in marketing and re-focus their efforts.

    The Results
    Live LTV reporting dashboard

    Retrospective and predictive

    Pivot in marketing strategy

    to better suit company objectives